GTA LED High Bay Lighting

LED lighting is far more energy efficient than other types of lighting, and it provides better coverage; retrofitting with LED fixtures and lamps can revitalize any working environment. LED high bay systems provide the best lighting for spaces such as retail spaces, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, community centres, gymnasiums, and indoor car parks. If you’re operating a GTA space with ceilings higher than 15–20 feet, you should consider retrofitting with LED high bay lighting.

Why Choose LED?
Why Choose LED?

There are a number of reasons why LEDs are the gold standard for high bay lighting, including:

  • Lighting quality. LEDs provide steady light with no flickering; they do not need time to warm up. LED high bay lighting is better for employees in large spaces, since the diffused light they produce creates less glare. In addition, directional light output and systems that incorporate dimming and motion sensors mean that you can focus the amount of light necessary precisely, lighting areas that need it, and using less light elsewhere. LEDs can be installed in a variety of colour temperatures, so that you can select “warm” or “cool” lighting. Many managers discover that productivity increases with the installation of LED lighting, since employees experience less eye strain and lethargy.
  • Prevents injuries. Poor lighting is a major contributing factor to workplace accidents, and it’s estimated that up to half of workplaces do not meet national health and safety standards with regard to lighting. It stands to reason that if employees can’t see properly, they are far more likely to be injured on the job. An LED system can be customized for your space, and directional light output ensures that each area receives the correct amount of light. This is particularly useful in warehouse and manufacturing environments where workers are operating machinery but can help to prevent trip and falls in any space.
  • Saves money. LEDs are far more energy efficient than other types of lamps, using 50–70% less energy to provide the same amount of light. This can translate to major savings on your monthly hydro bills. Although LEDs require an initial investment, they last up to thirty times longer than alternatives, meaning that you will realize significant savings on replacement costs and maintenance costs. The installation of LED high bay lighting adds value to the property for rental purposes, or for resale. And most LED retrofits are eligible for government rebates of up to 50% of the cost.
  • More environmentally friendly. LEDs use less energy, which means that CO2 emissions required to power your company’s light will drop, shrinking your carbon footprint. The fact that the lamps last much longer than other types of lighting means less waste material. And LED lamps are non-toxic and recyclable!
Installing High Bay LEDs
Installing High Bay LEDs

When engaging a retrofit contractor, look for a company that will do an extensive lighting assessment of your existing system and provide you with a plan for LED high bay retrofit. Make sure the company you work with provides full turnkey service and offers a five to ten-year warranty.

Contact a contractor today. Retrofitting your GTA space with high bay LEDs is one of the brightest moves you can make!


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